Crowning the leaders
Leaders are made, they are not born.
The investiture ceremony on 12th September 2012 is its perfect example. First time in the history of schools such a grand investiture ceremony was organized. It was amazing to see the children getting the acknowledgements and becoming a proud member of Presidium's Student Council. The Presidium fraternity has crowned the leaders of tomorrow. The individual attention given by Sudha ma'am to each and every student by calling him/ her in the centre stage was appreciated by most of the parents.
The sharing by the parents and the Presidians touched everybody's heart. They shared how the children were not even noticed in their previous school and the way they are being groomed in Presidium which has finally made them 'The Leader' today. After all, Destiny is not a matter of chance, but of choice. Not something to wish for, but to attain. And at the same time 'The Chosen' ones even realized that authority alone has not been passed on to them, they are even responsible for their teams. They have to be the guiding source... the torch bearers for all the other students.
It was not only the children who felt acknowledged but also the CLUB MENTORS and the STARMAKERS team who felt on top of the world. They thought it was a big honour given to them. The parents and the school management look up to this team to nurture the talent of the future of our country. Needless to mention, the STARMAKERS will definitely leave no stone unturned to accomplish this mission.
Not to forget the cultural events that d a beautiful aura! Audience had goose bumps as the school choir started with the school song. Mr. Vineet gave a tribute to all the teachers in the most beautiful way possible through his mindboggling dance performance. And the water dance left everybody stunned indeed.
Kudos to Presidium fraternity for another great step!!!