NameVaishali Agarwal GuptaBatch2012
BTSE for me is a beginning of journey towards transformation. An innovative course which has given a new dimension to teaching – as a career option. It has transformed my personality, my views, and my actions and has made me a positive, creative and a multi tasking teacher. A path which will take you towards building up of an extra ordinary person.
I am very happy to get higher classes. I have been given a chance to explore and apply my knowledge and my skills in the practical form in the classrooms. BTSE has given wings to my dreams. I’m happy to see myself, at such a position and that too in the beginning of my teaching career
NameEsha DewanBatch2012
BTSE has been one of my life's wonderful experiences so far and i am proud to be a part of this group as this distinction would always be there with us. I have attended the Landmark forum just 2 days back which has given me a different outlook towards life with new possibilities coming ahead. Life is more challenging and full of struggles when it comes to practical phase but i am always ready to face them and give my best shot. BINGO.........!
NameDeepali R. SawhneyBatch2012
Walking through BTSE I met myself. I have realized the true essence of a teacher, has boosted my confidence, fostered multi tasking, decision making and communication skills, which has not only enhanced my personality to a great extent but made me realize my goal and fulfill the dream, I always dreamt of. I am elated to be in this organization as an art teacher.
NamePallavi KodanBatch2012
"Life is full of opportunities"
I realized it when I was selected for the BTSE programme. It offered me a gift of life. I remember my first day where I hesitated to come in front of the whole class and introduce myself. Coming in present, I am confident to give presentations speech, perform dramatization or anything. The whole period, is a phase I will cherish my whole life. Struggling and coming out of all difficulties or rather say challenges put forth to us; I managed to give my 100%.
Now, I am ready to face all the challenges in future, and I am geared up for new walk of life.
I had 'dreams' and ‘BTSE gave me wings to fly.
NamePriyanka MakhejaBatch2012
BTSE has given me a platform, a chance in my life to churn my talents and abilities to fulfill my dreams and aspirations. It has crafted a good teacher in me.
BTSE as a course has helped me in shaping my career and has been a great learning experience for me
NameRekha ChauhanBatch2012
Experience in BTSE has been awesome!! I had a passion for teaching which has been fulfilled now. If I talk about learning's they are too many. I was a good human being; however, BTSE has made me a great teacher. In Presidium I have been placed as a Life skill teacher and now I am sure I will be able to unleash my potential. I am thankful to the organization and my mentors that they identified my qualities. The great journey has just started….. BTSE transformed me and now I am ready to transform the classrooms!!
NameMilli SinghalBatch2012
BTSE has given a new perspective to my life. I have evolved and groomed to be a better me and am more aware and responsible for myself as a teacher. In my entire training each workshop and academics as well as life skills training has given me beautiful memories and learning’s that are applicable in my life. I just wish that we could have those cherished moments of working in a group for our art and theatre workshops...fox flying and picnic in Redford...Diwali and Christmas party.....reflections and isms....landmark and life skills...on and on...
An overwhelming time and an apt training that I could ever dream of....Thank you my mentors and seniors for giving me this opportunity to know me.
NameKeerat Kaur SagguBatch2012
BTSE has been a blessing to me as I always had an aspiration to be a teacher in some renowned school and BTSE only has made this possible for me. I feel empowered and independent workings in a school like Presidium.
NameVandana GroverBatch2012
It has been a great experience being in BTSE and a true pleasure to learn from the fantastic mentors of Ashok Vihar.
This course conducted by Presidium has exceeded my expectations. The course curriculum was comprehensive and productive. The workshops, seminars, personality development sessions, life skills training, LANDMARK and other co-curricular activities made a remarkable impact on my personality which is worth not only as a teacher but also in my general life.
I have got my placement in Presidium, Paschim Vihar as a Nursery teacher. The professional and friendly welcome received from the staff of Presidium and In-charges for the BTSE candidates was commendable. They were helpful when we needed information and advice. I got the chance to apply my learning from BTSE in classroom, training sessions, PTM and Orientation. I am confident to handle the classroom and parents & deliver my lesson effectively. I recall and apply the classroom management strategies learnt in BTSE when needed.
My biggest struggle currently is managing everything—time, classroom, planning, behavior, parent-teacher interactions, and getting homework folders/weekly folders done. This makes me realize that I need to work smartly to handle this situation. I am learning to balance everything. I know that I will improve as I gain experience. Looking forward to the academic year ahead!
NameNupur DiwvediBatch2012
BTSE course has made a profound difference in my life. For me it yielded not mere insight or improvement, but provided the radical transformation of every aspect of my life. Each day brought something new for me and formed a base of my thinking for further deconstruction of new realm of progressive education.
I am overwhelmed and excited as being a teacher
NamePalak GulatiBatch2012
My journey at BTSE has been really unforgettable. Here, I have groomed to be a better person than who I was when I walked in. Each and every learning, be it the Art workshops, the Life Skills, Theater workshops, Psychology etc has laid a positive impact on me. I'm a much more responsible person today. Even now, when I'm working with the organization, there are a lot of things that I already know because of the training we have been given here. I feel much more acquainted to the system. Moreover, working with the organization gives me a great feeling.
In nutshell, BTSE journey has been really beautiful. I cherish all the memories .Thank you mentors for your love and support throughout this journey
BTSE has changed my life and I have improved a lot in my teaching, which is actually helping me to be the best and deliver the best to the students. It was the lifetime experience for me and a special thanks to Sudha ma’m for providing us this platform.
NameRuchi MohataBatch2012
BTSE has been an overwhelming experience for me altogether which cannot be put into words but made me realize what I am meant for. Thanks to all my mentors and Sudha ma’m. Cheers.
NamePalak TeriaBatch2012
Doing BTSE was a transforming experience. As a person I’ve grown in the duration of the course. It has been enlightening and fun. The whole process was intended to prepare us and help us interact with children the best way possible. I have changed as a person, my outlook towards different situations and teaching as a profession has changed me. Thank you for this lovely experience.
NameVagisha KalraBatch2012
Btse has been an incredible and a great learning experience for me. It has made me a passionate facilitator. Also helped me achieving what I dreamt of since my childhood. Thanks to my mentors.
NameIsha SoniBatch2012
BTSE for me has been a very learning experience. It has not only helped me to groom myself as a facilitator but a lot as an individual as well. I completely cherish all the moments I had spent during my training at BTSE and will continue to do the same all my life.
NameAastha SirohiBatch2012
BTSE was a journey of new learnings every day. The course helped me in realizing my own abilities, strengths and weaknesses. Not only did the course nurture my thinking, it also nourished my attitude towards life. It has given me memories, learnings and relationships for life.
NameSmridhi VijBatch2012
B.T.S.E. for me is a course that transformed my life and made me more confidence. The theatre and other workshops changed my perspective of looking at myself. This course would be the most memorable journey of my life.
NameVasundhara ChauhanBatch2012
BTSE course is an unforgettable experience for me. Each day brought a new learning and a new insight. This course gave me an opportunity to know myself, my strength, my weakness, my goal and most importantly my purpose for which I am working. It has given me my identity as a teacher in the true sense.
NameMeena LashakarBatch2012
B.T.S.E. for me is a course which is unique as it incorporated dance, theatre, adventure sports , art and craft and life skills. I love the fact that it was conducted in an experiential manner. In this respect, this course has truly been a trailblazer.
NameTanya BaliBatch2012
B.T.S.E. as a course was a wholesome experience as it made me more aware of myself and others around me. In addition to that it has provided an academic orientation of Presidium.
NameSherry JauraBatch2012
The entire year of BTSE has been an experience indeed. It is not just educative but also fun filled and marked an important phase in my life. I have grown much more confident as an individual, mother and most importantly as a 'facilitator'. I do trust that hard-work and perseverance pays and I was made a Grade I facilitator, which came as a surprise to me.
This course has been a roller-coaster ride for me from the start to the end
NameAsha NairBatch2012
BTSE has been an amazing course right from the beginning. The result of the course was totally unexpected. I did the course whole heartedly, with the intention of utilizing everything that was on offer. During Internship I was placed in a Grade which I thought did not match my skill set, nevertheless I gave it my best shot. Afterall, what matters the most to me is teaching. I was exhilarated when the placements were announced and I realized that I had scored well in the course. It was like a dream come true, I’m thankful to my trainers, who guided me and found me worthy of this post.
NameBhawna RaghuvanshiBatch2012
BTSE has been an amazing course right from the beginning. The result of the course was totally unexpected. I did the course whole heartedly, with the intention of utilizing everything that was on offer. During Internship I was placed in a Grade which I thought did not match my skill set, nevertheless I gave it my best shot. Afterall, what matters the most to me is teaching. I was exhilarated when the placements were announced and I realized that I had scored well in the course. It was like a dream come true, I’m thankful to my trainers, who guided me and found me worthy of this post.
NameMeenakshi TiwariBatch2012
When we started we were small islands put in one room for all the different reasons. Today the entire group is one big cloud of gratification and contentment, over flowing with all that our educators have given us. Every day we could see the flexibility and facility we were being given to move beyond ourselves. Every day we could see the acceptance we were being given to feel one with the institution. Every day we could see the training we were being given to break the shackles we had tied ourselves in. None of us knew that we are capable of what we can feel in ourselves at this point of time.
Motivating someone is not the toughest of jobs but igniting a spark that does not extinguish at the smallest storm is most unquestionably a mammoth task. Our educators have done and achieved this for us. Now I can really feel the pride that comes with being human. The self esteem and self discipline they have made us discover in ourselves is something we cannot thank them enough for.
Love blossoms here, leaders are created here, lives change here, and humanity gets redefined here. It will continue to be so under your affectionate guidance.
NameRuchi DadwalBatch2012
We are proud BTSEians now, transformed from 'Student Educators' to 'Educators.' We are prepared and equipped to be teachers who shall bring in a new perspective to teaching - learning and are ready to take on the challenges ahead. BTSE has given us this platform where we changed our own lives, and are now capable of touching numerous other lives. We have radically evolved and transformed and will bring in this transformation to the young ones to make them better humans.
I take this opportunity to congratulate and express my heart-felt gratitude to all my trainers, the entire team of experts who designed this comprehensive course, the Presidium school staff for the unconditional support and cooperation throughout and Sudha ma’am for having brought and build upon this wonderful nascent idea of starting this course and preparing us to take on future roles and challenges. A BIG thankyou to all !
NameSushma ChopraBatch2012
The BTSE course came to me as a boon. I had been a house wife for 12 years and had a long cherished unfulfilled dream of being a teacher. This BTSE course made my dream come true. I had a passion for teaching and what I used to think of came into reality. I was very excited and nervous at the same time on my first day, but my classmates and mentors were so nice that I did not feel that the place was new for me. Here in this school I got so much love, care, guidance and support from my friends and trainers that I can never forget.
This course has made me a better parent and a better teacher. I also came to know about my strengths and weaknesses through various life skill activities and also the ways and importance of working in a group. Whatever I have learnt today would not have been possible without guidance and support from trainers. They did not teach us in the old conventional way, but by being a facilitator, stage setter, motivator and observer guided us to the land of intellectual wisdom.
NameNilu KumarBatch2012
The training program had the right balance of relevant theoretical inputs and hands-on practical exercises. It was well structured, researched, and documented. Anyone keen in ‘Teaching Profession’ must attend this course. I found this training to be a great learning experience. Subjects like, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy etc. were of immense help." I was especially happy with the instructors. Their command of the subject, clarity of expression, level of preparation, and level of interaction with students was "Excellent". This is a great training and it substantially enriched my knowledge.
NameSwati HansBatch2012
BTSE course was a great learning experience for me. I enjoyed each and every moment of this course and will cherish these moments throughout my life. Interacting with people and children during internship was a great learning experience and feeling. Whatever I learnt in theories BTSE gave me a chance to practically apply that in Presidium by giving me placement in Indirapuram. I gained a lot of confidence and a positive outlook towards everything in my life. Working in a team was a delightful experience and taught me many skills. I would also thank my mentors – Kanan Ma’am, Shilpa Ma’am and Anita Ma’am for their whole-hearted support in each and every stage of this course.
Lastly I would like to say after this course I had become more responsible both in my professional and personal life which is a great achievement for me
NameIndu AroraBatch2012
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank Presidium for providing an opportunity to do something creative in life. After having break for 4 years from my professional life, I was at cross roads again and wondered what to do next. I am Bachelors in Homeopathy Sciences and it was difficult to practice Homeopathy after a long break.
BTSE helped me in gaining confidence and I have seen lot of positive changes happening in my attitude towards life. I can handle complex situations without losing my calm. The grind BTSE has put all of us has definitely shaped up best out of us. Behavioral trainings in form of Landmark SELP (Self Expression and leadership program) have helped me in approaching life from a different angle. Subject trainings and classes helped me in better understanding the human and child psychology. This has formed a very important part of my learning and I can leverage these acquired skills while teaching kids.
Creative classes helped me in expressing myself in a better way and in building good relationships with my colleagues. I am all set for a new journey and glad to have opted for a teaching career that gives me utmost satisfaction seeing future of tomorrow growing and becoming “leaders of tomorrow”.
NameJaya KapilBatch2012
BTSE-the journey full of fun, masti, serious studies ,eye openings in short one time life experience.
It was the beginning of my second innings. The earlier bank finance job did give good money but SATISFACTION was missing and did take a good toll on the time. Now I do have time for myself and my family, even after touching so many young and beautiful minds.
Education for me was a give and take process, now, I completely find myself in knowing the correct and most apt definition of it. now I know that students are not mere receivers , they are just enhancing their already existing skills with correct exposure.
I truly believe what Paulo Friere (renowned sociologist) means when he quoted- Education is an act of cultural action for freedom, an act of knowing and not memorization. -- Paulo Freire
I would give new name to BTSE as Bringing Together My Self Esteem, it actually did.
I was living a well settled domestic life since 12 years. Due to family responsibilities, I couldn't pursue a career but there was a sleeping desire to do something meaningful and constructive. I was contemplating to join a B.Ed course. As it is said "Where there is a will, there is a way", I received a call from my son’s school for doing BTSE and next thing I knew was I had enrolled myself for the course.
BTSE i.e. Bachelors’ in Transformation of Secondary Education, not only transformed my outlook towards education, but also transformed my outlook towards life. I am myself very passionate about learning new things. Hence, I always thought that I would be able to teach without any difficulties. How naïve I was. If I start counting number of myths shattered, they would be numerous. But I would certainly like to list few prominent myths like- ‘Teaching is an easy profession’, ‘Philosophy and Psychology are boring subjects’ and ‘What has a teacher got to do with these subjects? If one is a science teacher, one should be competent in science.
Being a student of conventional school, my outlook was also conventional to some extent. Though I believed in importance of conceptual clarity and logical thinking and was against rote memorization, still I was unaware of the methods to be employed to achieve it.
The way this course along with my mentors and Landmark, helped me to overcome my inhibitions and apprehensions and discover the joy of being self, is beyond words. And now a confident and happy I am ready to instill same in my students along with the passion for exploring and learning.
Very heartfelt thanks to my mentors and BTSE.
NameRitu AnejaBatch2012
The First day I started my ‘BTSE’, I entered the class with a lot of nervousness, fear of a new environment, an unknown peer group, attending a class after 16 years as a student, there were balloons in my stomach but finally, the day passed with finding myself, in a friendly atmosphere and the entire group similarly behaving. I found many like me, struggling to make a mark in this world.
The last 10 months, in my life, the time I have spent in completing my BTSE, from Presidium (The Knowledge Tree Group), have been the rebirth of myself, it was a journey with Learning, laughter, challenges, team work, presentations, worries, a lot of tears and sleepless nights. Finally the outcome has been a new myself, an educator with the essence of understanding of the behavioural science of a child and the parents, with respect to the competitive atmosphere today.
During this course I have gained confidence, positive attitude, learnt the art of teaching, new methodologies ,behavioural science, dealing with contingencies, emotional intelligence, and above all I have learnt to work in a group, a team where results at individual level and team level both are important and prestigious.
During the 'BTSE', I got the opportunity to enhance my skills through the specific courses we did on Theatre, Music, Dance, Art n Craft, Landmark, Life Skills, Group activities, Outdoor experiences and Group Presentations" After attending the workshops, I came to know about the importance of these subjects (arts, theatre & life skills) its benefits and its integration in our curriculum Today, I find myself as a person, with the capabilities to manage home and career at the same time effectively and efficiently. A career, which gives me satisfaction, as I am nurturing the future citizens of our country. I appreciate and am thankful to our trainers for the patience and the efforts put in by each of them, in sculpting us from raw ladies to refined teachers. It has been a reforming span altogether
NameShewta SharmaBatch2012
This course has been special in all ways for me, especially because it gave a new meaning to my life. BTSE became more like an extended family for me. It helped me evolve not only as a Teacher-educator but as a mother too. The C to M of constructivism was more than exciting .The trainers were the USP of the program. I have never felt so comfortable with any of my teachers throughout my education. It gave me back my lost confidence. It helped me apply the strategies for capitalizing on my strengths and overcoming my weaknesses in order to become a successful teacher as well as a complete person.The course was a complete blend of art, & craft, theatre, music, dance, life skills, sports and academics. Life is all about LIFESKILLS by which we become masters of managing our societal norms and community expectations.
This course has helped me overcome my fear of self-expression. I was sure of one thing that I have to put in my best which I did only because of the mentors and the format of the course. Now I can teach what I preach.
NameSwati ChauhanBatch2012
This period of nine months was a great learning experience rather I would call it a journey from being a starter in this career to understanding the technical aspects of teaching. I learned during this course that teaching is really an art and it requires that all the teachers, and not just some, are equipped with effective teaching techniques. I am wowed at the way this course is put together which lays the foundation of our careers as teachers who will be responsible for igniting curiosity, inspiring passions and opening door of plethora of options of careers for the students across the country.
This course is very aptly designed for today's world which is taking a lead ahead in the new ways of education. The world of education has changed and has taken a leap. Past are the days when teaching content and routine skills were at the center of education. Today along with this, it is also enabling students to bring other things on the table like imagination, complex ways of thinking and the capacity to assume responsibility. I got an insight that there is a great difference between acquiring information and learning. If I go back to my schooling and college days I could get that I was accumulating the knowledge but the way this course was designed I got into the mode of learning and realized there is no learning if thought originates from conclusion.
In life skills classes I got the chance to reflect on myself .During this process of reflecting on myself I came to know many aspects of my personality.
Last but not the least this course has enhanced my knowledge and skills to be a progressive teacher of Presidium.
NameNidhi Dinesh TanwarBatch2012
BTSE Course has given me a great move towards being successful, as I was a housewife. Now I am ready to showcase my abilities and talents in my working area. BTSE made me more confident and clearer about my goals. In addition it has enhanced my teaching skills, communication skills and creativity.
I am really grateful to BTSE because this course has nourished my expertise on child handling and development taught me innovative handling and teaching methods, life skills and good parenting. I learnt about experiential learning.
The course helps me to understand the psychology of children and design the lesson plan on that basis following the modern and progressive teaching method make me so innovative that I am confidently handling pre nursery class in Presidium school. I am very great full to Presidium School because today what I am, I am because of this organization. It has given me the opportunity to 'identify myself. My whole hearted thanks to this organization.
NameDivya KaliaBatch2012
BTSE course has given a great move to my career. It has increased my learning curves. This course has sharpened my edges and has worked on my skills and potentials to make me a strong and confident human being. It has given me platform to start my journey of success. The environment is full of encouraging and professional people. I started my journey as a play group teacher at Mother's Pride and today I am a Presidium teacher thanks to the course. Every new day was a challenge for me, a new goal to achieve, a new incentive to lure; one step up on the golden ladder heading towards fulfillment of my dreams. The exposure that I have got here has brought many progressive transformations in my personality. My public speaking skills have improved immensely. Overall, it's an excellent program. It ensures overall development of the teachers, thus in turn ensures overall development of the children. I thank BTSE for making me more confident and much clearer about my goals. Overall, my journey till now with Marvel group has been a memorable experience.
Joining school after doing the BTSE course has equipped me with amazing sense of child's various needs, better child handling techniques, good classroom management skills and ways of effective teaching for the best development of a child. Because of all this I m being able to handle my class ( Class I) effectively and smoothly. Before doing BTSE I was not aware about all the various needs a child can have but now I m confident in my dealings with children and parents both.
NameSavita KhuranaBatch2012
When I enrolled for this course I did not imagine that I had signed up for this memorable journey.
I want to convey my most heartfelt gratitude for the BTSE training—it was a beautiful, life changing experience .The quality of trainings were exceptional, workshops were fabulous and complementary in styles and expertise. I spent nine months focused on just one intention- to be an effective person and teacher. I am delighted with the learning's gained in the spheres of Philosophy of education, Child psychology, sociology in academics and Communication, self-awareness modules with other life skill training like class management, body language were the exceptional content of the course. A valuable learning experience, packed with gems of insight and wisdom. A dynamic and exciting program that focuses on both the theoretical and the practical domain of teaching and learning. A big thank you to Sudha Ma'am for an amazing gift-Landmark- for creating possibilities for a happy and successful life.
NameIvy ChoudharyBatch2012
I was in quest of an opportunity to follow my dream, to understand the 'education' sphere and to be equipped to take it to new heights. BTSE was the course which had it all...
The training was extremely energising, brought lot of ideas, with both substantial and in-depth knowledge. We followed the method of experiential learning - doing, reflecting, thinking and applying. Apart from knowledge of academics, we were exposed to mediums of theatre, art, dance and life skills for a holistic development and transformation in the true sense.
The content and presentation by the trainers was consistently high quality and engaging. We learnt through collaborative projects followed by discussion and feedback session which brought out the best in us. The entire training was interactive and I learnt a lot from the experience and insights of my co-participants.
Importantly, this course has enabled me to develop sensitivity towards children, build connection with them and exhibit adaptability to all situations .Not only as a teacher; I have nurtured myself as a better human being during this course. With this strong foundation, I look forward to an exciting phase of teaching in Presidium with loads of job satisfaction which I did not get in 5 years of my corporate life.
NamePriyanka RamanBatch2012
When stress on the teacher is reduced because they are better informed on what to do in a real life situation, they make better decisions on which method to use" It is with real pleasure that I am writing to let you know just how pleased I was with the training provided by BTSE. The content of the programme was exactly what I wanted; and the knowledge Tree pitched it perfectly for our teachers. The icing on the cake for us was the style with which the trainers delivered the programme. Their practical approach was a real hit with our teachers and helped make the training event such a memorable occasion. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend BTSE as a provider of professional development of the highest quality.
BTSE Course is important for both schools and teachers, as it makes the teachers feel more confident when teaching and also when confronted with difficult situations. During my course I was taught a whole variety of techniques that I can use for all teaching situations, such as coping with anger problems, disruptive behavior, bullying, etc. The benefits of this course will be recognized throughout many different schools, colleges and teaching establishments. This course gave me an environment that helped me in my professional and personal development, improved my teaching methods, language skills and boosted my motivation. The main objectives of this course is to support improvements in pedagogical approaches and school management, and triggers impacts not only in the classrooms but also at an institutional level in schools and training organizations.
Trainers/teachers who actually 'do' a student activity can experience the learning benefits themselves. (Learning comes from doing the Work itself - it is real learning.) I learnt Effective teaching and learning practices which I use actively in my class room.
The course enabled me to demonstrate good classroom management techniques, positive and immediate feedback techniques, and methods of informal student assessment. This helps in raising learner's self-esteem and leads to better learning retention. The course also includes training to support learners of different abilities which helped me to understand deeply the needs of children who needs just understanding and little patience from the teacher.
Thanks to the course, the trainers, and the institution for all my learning's and for where I am today!
I got the opportunity to fulfil my teaching dream as an effective and understandable teacher in this BTSE course. Here I got a new definition of education and teaching.
My understanding of children has increased after BTSE. It gave us a lot of ideas to make our teaching effective and meaningful for children.
I got the theoretical knowledge along with dance, theatre, art and life skills. These skills give me opportunity to develop myself 360*. I learnt a lot of things with learning experiences. I learnt how to mix up along with kids.
The theoretical skills which I gained in BTSE are very helpful in classes now. I feel, when I teach, have undergone all these things during BTSE. The most important thing I learnt planning and work according to this. Another aspect of BTSE course I learnt how to handle meritorious students.
The foremost important thing in someone^ s career is satisfaction and I am extremely happy that after doing BTSE I am highly satisfied.
NameVandana SawhneyBatch2012
Thanks to Knowledge Tree for shaping my career so positively. Knowledge Tree course BTSE has given a great move to my career. It has increased my learning curves. When I joined this organization I felt that this was the right decision for my career. It has been a wonderful journey as I have learnt a lot from here. Not only my professional skills but also it has helped to groom myself in my personal life. It has helped me to grow in my career I would like to appreciate the organization for introducing this course. It is a great-path for the teachers to learn how to groom kids and themselves too.
At present I am working with Presidium and it is an amazing platform to utilize what we learnt. I want to share my experience with the whole world out there. My first impression of Presidium was that I could see myself easily fitting. I was impressed with their vision & goal. I can very proudly say that 'Yes, I can create a difference in each child's life and give shape to a better world. I could see a vast difference in me while taking the class, it's a magic to really fond the true world in the class which is, each and every child is unique and has some or the other extra capability to see the world from different angles, where we work as eachers for each of them.
NameAakansha SinghBatch2012
I was an ordinary housewife and I had never got a chance in my life, to churn my talents, my abilities, my aspirations and my dreams. But then life completely changed for me. I was given a platform where I could show my caliber, my abilities, and my talents. BTSE has sharpened my edges and have worked on my skills and potentials to make me a strong and confident human being. It has given me platform to start my journey of success. The environment is full of encouraging and professional people. BTSE COURSE has equipped me with required skills and has enhanced my knowledge, which has crafted me into a good teacher. The course has proved to be very fruitful. I thank BTSE for making me more confident and much clearer about my goals. The journey in PRESIDIUM has been a once in a lifetime experience. In addition to enhancement of my teaching skills, there has been tremendous growth opportunity that has discovered my hidden talents, and has brought out best in me. Apart from trainings on efficient and innovative teaching methodologies, the course also offers value additions such as public speaking, confidence building, communication skills, problem solving and not to forget "creativity". Every day I look forward to more such learning's to know myself better and to grow and of course to have a lot of fun! The BTSE course has nourished my expertise on child development, innovative teaching methods, life skills and parenting. In one year of this course, I have learned about different teaching methods that can be adopted to handle children. The course has taught me to understand their psychology and has equipped me to compete with the new & modernized education pattern. Further, this course has helped me in teaching & understanding my own two kids better.
I wanted to be truthful to my organization because today I have an 'identity' and I wish that god showers his choicest of blessings on this organization and I could be a part of this organization , till the time I have working potential.