Guaranteed placement
A course by this academy means guaranteed placement in premier schools like Mother's Pride & Presidium.
Salary that matches the best in the industry
You will kick off your professional life with a salary that is the best in the industry and learn among professionals who have proved their mettle.
Extraordinary training
It will not just enhance your skills, but also widen your horizons. The training will not just equip you with skills for a job, but transform your life by fuelling you with passion, confidence and zest for life.
Positive environment
You will discover how learning and working can be so much fun in the positive, vibrant environment of Mother's Pride and Presidium. With regular excursions, parties, awards, incentives, the organisation provides you the joy and bonding of a family.
Workshops by experts
Experts in respective fields will inspire you to aim for bigger heights and give you an insight into how far, deep and wide you can go in career.
Exponential growth
With the ever increasing growth chart of Mother's Pride and Presidium, you will have ample opportunities to create a career as an education leader in various capacities.
Attractive scholarships for meritorious candidates.
The Knowledge Tree offers attractive scholarships to deserving candidates. Based on the evaluation of the candidates, the selection panel will choose a few candidates who are eligible for the scholarship. The scholarship amount will vary, according to the excellence of the candidate.