The Knowledge Tree For Schools
Teachers, in most schools, while professionally qualified, are not trained to take on the rigours of the role. Schools too are not fully equipped to offer them training and refresher courses.
We, at The Knowledge Tree, orgainize training sessions to train teachers on subject knowledge, technology and pedagogical methods, and bring them up to date of the latest developments.
We also help schools put robust systems in place to continuously assess the performance of teachers, and motivate and reward them.
Here are ways in which a school can benefit by associating with The Knowledge Tree:
Training the Faculty: The Knowledge Tree conducts intensive, short-duration training courses to equip the faculty with vast and latest developments in education, pedagogical techniques, and domain knowledge.
The Knowledge Tree’s tailor-made training pragrammes cover:
- Current Systems and Standards of Education
- Teaching Methods and Curriculum Materials
- Standard Accreditation System for Evaluations
- Reforms in Education
- Strategic Planning and Management while Imparting Education
- Assessment of the Needs of a Disabled Child in any Manner
- How to Seek the Help of Special Educators
- Current Assessment Modules and Data Exchange
- Technical Know-How of Various Software and Contents
- Benchmark of Educational Outcomes
- Implementation of CCE
- Screening of Candidates (Teachers) for Recruitment
- Designing of Advertisements for Recruitment
Meetings, Conferences, etc: The Knowledge Tree also creates customized training programmes and impart training by interaction with teachers through meetings, conferences, symposia and collaboration programs.
Teacher Trainers: We also provide teacher trainers on a contractual basis. The trainers, who are our employees, will be stationed at the school during the duration of the project.
Study Materials: We also deliver appropriate modules and study material required for the teacher training services.
Over and above all this, we also undertake projects that specific to your needs, if you have any special requirements.
If your schools need any teaching-related training or material, write to us at or call us at 7838654444.