Thousands of parents got answers to their existing parenting problems at Parenting Seminars organized by Sudha Gupta, honorable Chairperson Mother’s Pride and Presidium and a renowned parenting expert in the month of August and September. Parents, who were clueless about dealing with issues related to raising children, got the mantras to see their child lead a happy, successful and powerful life through positive parenting. These Positive Parenting tips are the words of wisdom which comes in handy and guides you towards becoming an accomplished parent.
‘Positive Parenting’ has been an important part of Mother’s Pride and Presidium curriculum. This was the fifth consecutive year for parenting seminar and like every year, this year too it received an amazing response. Thousands of parents benefitted from these seminars. The main agenda of this seminar was to provide all parents with a ‘new realization of being a parent’. And this was successfully achieved at the seminar and many parents found it to be a turning point of their relationship with their children.
This seminar was able to provide an insight of how the environment of family influences the child and what you can do to help him/her grow into a stronger emotional, physical and social person. Also, it focused on the fact that –how parent’s every action shapes child’s mind and much more. The seminar influenced parents to such an extent that they felt like conveying their problems to Sudha Gupta. Plenty of parents publically shared their parenting experiences and problems at the seminar. On the whole, the seminar gave solutions to all the issues that parents were battling with ranging from discipline to tantrums. Further, it inspired all parents to create moments of love with their child and garner support to him whenever he requires, also to empower your child in a way, where life fetches him and you inner joy and peace.
Mother’s Pride and Presidium family strongly believes that a happy child is a result of happy parents. Thus for an overall development of a child, it’s necessary for the parents to learn and inculcate positive parenting in bringing up their child. Not only this will create a harmonious environment in the family but will create a better future for the child.
Parents of Mother’s Pride and Presidium, those who attended Parenting seminar this year were successfully equipped with positive parenting tips and they looked forward for attending more such parenting seminars next year. Those of you, who were left out and could not attend seminars this year, do make a point to attend them next year, so that you can grow into a happier and fulfilled parent.